Monday, December 24, 2007

American society is so supercharged that we cannot enjoy the simple experience of burning.

We go around making money like we're putting out fires.

And we, some, our state, set fires like we're going around making fistfulls of money.
Consider nominal America and its wine gardens, the experiences of John Adams. Americans then would sit after dinner and taste and talk about their fine wines.

I hesitate to mention that I notice this in contrast to today's America, which seems to leave a dry, dusty taste in the mouth.

This, though, I devote to a wine tasting of the world.

What can we focus on? Even these are distractions. The purpose, the moving forward of a people. The very environment of selection that we strive to create, apart from the striving.

The Glory of Mornings. The light of days. Bring it here, to me, and be with me in our appreciation and experience of good things.